The National Initiative for Sustainable Entrepreneurs (NISE) is a national partnership aiming to support entrepreneurs working in the green and blue sustainable economy sectors in Egypt. The Initiative was launched by the Egyptian Ministry of Environment, in partnership with the Centre for Environment & Development for the Arab Region & Europe (CEDARE) and MedWaves (the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for SCP), on October 11, 2022.  It represents a unique platform that brings together various players working in the field of sustainability in Egypt. By uniting different stakeholders, facilitating information sharing and knowledge exchange among them, NISE catalyzes Egypt’s sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem, creating lasting positive impacts on economy, society and environment. 
NISE comes within the framework of Egypt’s “SwitchMed Down the Nile Project to Support Sustainable Economy”, implemented by the Egyptian Ministry of Environment and CEDARE, in partnership with MedWaves, and financed by the European Union, the Catalan Waste Agency, and the Italian Government. In addition to Egypt, this impactful programme is regionally implemented in 7 other countries.
By empowering sustainable entrepreneurs and enhancing the offered services, NISE contributes to the creation of sustainable job opportunities in different governorates of Egypt. The Initiative targets all stakeholders pertinent to the domain of entrepreneurship and sustainable economy in Egypt and aims at:
  • Networking & Synergy: Connecting a diverse spectrum of stakeholders, including governmental agencies, policy makers, business support organizations, financial institutions, academic entities, and sustainable entrepreneurs.
  • Exchanging Information and insights: Facilitating the exchange of valuable information and expertise, aimed at overcoming the unique challenges posed to sustainable entrepreneurship in Egypt.
  • Transferring Knowledge: Cultivating an environment of shared learning where knowledge flows freely among our members, fostering innovation and adaptive strategies.
  • Enhancing Services: Empowering sustainable entrepreneurs through dedicated support and enhanced services to ensure their success and contribute to the creation of sustainable job opportunities.

Members who can join the National Initiative for Sustainable Entrepreneurs

Members of the Initiative ideally represent different actors ranging from Government & Policy Makers, to Business Support Organizations, Financial Institutions, Academic Institutions and Entrepreneurs (Switchers).

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