
Call for applications for the selection and training of eco-entrepreneurs in Egypt

Within the framework of the project “SwitchMed”, implemented by CEDARE – Centre for Environment & Development for The Arab Region & Europe and MedWaves – The UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for SCP (former SCP/RAC) and financed by the European Union, the Catalan Waste Agency, and the Italian Government, MedWaves and CEDARE are launching a call for applications for the benefit of eco-entrepreneurs: people with ideas for economic projects with an ecological or social impact. This call for applications is open to individuals and groups residing in the following governorates: Alexandria, Cairo Giza, Minya, Fayoum.

Candidates with the following profile can participate in this call:

  • You are an eco-entrepreneur.
  • You have an idea for a green business.
  • You are one of these future green entrepreneurs.
  • You want to turn your idea into a green product or service to offer on the market.
  • You want to start an innovative business that can create economic, environmental, and social added value.
  • You are resident in one of the following regions: Alexandria, Cairo, Giza, Fayoum & Upper Egypt.
  • Women and people under 29 years of age are especially encouraged to participate in this call for applications.

The objective of the training:

The objective of the training programme is that mentors work in a practical way on the green business idea proposed by the selected eco-entrepreneurs. Through their participation in the training workshops, the eco-entrepreneurs will acquire the knowledge and tools necessary to transform their innovative idea into a green business model by improving their sustainability.

The course of the training:

  • The training will be carried out face-to-face in the following regions: Alexandria, Cairo, Giza, Fayoum & Upper Egypt.
  • The training period is planned for the months of September and October 2022.
  • The training program will be carried out over 5 days for green business models spread over a period of 4 to 6 weeks (entrepreneurs develop their green business models throughout this period).

The benefits of the training:

This training is free of charge and will give the 16 best Green Business Models the opportunity to benefit from an incubation period, including technical support and mentoring services (planned from November 2022 to June 2023).

Online tools: Entrepreneurs will benefit from the support of the online tools of the platform to develop their green business model. Interactive and close support: Entrepreneurs will be in contact with the trainers and with other selected entrepreneurs and will be able to interact on the progress of their work with the trainers on the platform

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment) *
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