
Congratulations to our Primising Entrepreneurs for Successfully Completing the SwitchMed’s GBM Training Module Provided by our SwitchMed-certified Partner: Intersection

The capacity building of the shortlisted #green_entrepreneurs is currently taking place by #NISE partners and SwitchMed-certified BSOs in a number of Egyptian governorates. More #sustainable start-ups are on the way, the best of whom will be rewarded 8-month business incubation as well as financing opportunities through a networking event.The National Initiative for Sustainable Entrepreneurs (#NISE) is implemented within the framework of Egypt’s SwitchMed Down the Nile Project to support Sustainable Economy & Green & Blue Entrepreneurship. The Project is implemented in #Egypt by Cedare – Centre for Environment & Development for the Arab Region & Europe and the Ministry of Environment in partnership with MedWaves & SwitchMed; the EU-funded programme.

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