Al Ahram (Glassun), Mohamed Hafez
Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency
Farming in remote areas far from markets reduces the product’s price and exposes it to spoilage if there is no market available during its season. Solar drying devices provide a means of preserving food for up to a year without damage, enabling the establishment of farms in remote areas far from the market and managing agricultural waste.
Glassun manufactures devices that use green energy, including the sun, electricity, wind and ground temperature to preserve agricultural products. This is implemented in two stages, the production of drying devices and the preservation of products by drying, and the second stage by adding the manufacture of green energy cooling devices to save agricultural products. The device addresses the problem of environmental pollution by using clean and non-polluting energy in solar drying and by managing agricultural, industrial, household, market, and hotel waste and converting it to dry material, which can be used in various industries such as animal feed, industrial fertilizers, medicine, and chemicals. The output is 90% less in weight, thus less fuel consumption in transportation and less environmental pollution to air, health, water, and soil.
This device relies on the heat of the sun; a clean free-of-charge source of energy. Providing a clean, pollution-free dry product, maintaining a clean environment, and preserving human and animal health. Ideally suitable for Egypt, the locally manufactured device is suitable for all settings and areas that enjoy the sunlight, especially desert areas, rural areas, and rooftops of houses. It squeezes the drying time, reduces the cost of preserving materials, and rather produces high-quality material, which doubles its value by integrating it into several industries and penetrating potential local and international markets. The device helps establish new projects, drying stations, marketing and export companies. , and most importantly, it does not require high maintenance, it only needs to be cleaned with water.
Social Impact:
- Preserving agricultural products of high quality and aroma.
- Enabling the establishment of farms in remote areas.
- Creating green job opportunitiesfor workers involved in the pre-drying stage, device manufacturing, drying stations, companies, factories, markets that use dry materials, besides workers in the raw materials used in the device.
- Transforming a pollutant material into environmentally-friendly products used in multiple industries; hence, creating additional job opportunities in the pre-drying stage, device manufacturing, drying stations, companies, factories, markets that use dry materials, and workers in the raw materials used in the device.
- Maximizing efficiency, reducing prices, providing a more affordable end product.
Environmental Impact:
- Avoiding health, water and soil pollution resulting from contaminated Freon resulting from refrigerators and using clean, non-polluting energy instead to dry materials.
- Reducing environmental pollution through managing the waste of farms, factories, homes, markets, and hotels and converting it into dry matter by drying and integrating it into several feed, fertilizer, medicine, and chemical industries.
- Providing a clean dry pollution-free product, having a clean environment and preserving human and animal health.
- Avoiding air pollution resulting from diesel emissions during transportation, as drying reduces the weight of the material to 90% of its original weight.