REFISH MATE, Mohamed Talaat

Organic Food & Agriculture

REFISH MATE, Mohamed Talaat

Organic Food & Agriculture

Re-fish Mate specializes in the production of fish feed (marine) to overcome three main problems: the scarcity of raw material used in the production of feed, as well as the problem of storage, whether from the beginning of transportation until it is stored inside the port of arrival, and finally, the high waste rate reaching 20% in some raw material. At Re-fish Mate, storage issues can be avoided by offering local technical support. Re-Fish Mate factory is energy saving and supports the use of green energy.

Social Impact: 

  • Improves food security by providing a local source of fish feed.
  • Creates green jobs in the aquaculture and feed production sectors.
  • Reduces the cost of fish feed, making it more affordable for farmers.
  • Improves the health of fish by using high-quality, locally sourced ingredients.

Environmental Impact:

  • Reduces the need to import fish feed, which can help conserve natural resources.
  • Reduces the amount of waste generated by the fish feed production process.
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions by using energy-efficient production techniques.
  • Improves water quality by reducing the amount of pollution.

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